Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Sure Sign Our Little Girl is GrowingUp

So today I was driving Madelyn to school and as usual she was talking, and talking and talking. Can I just say she loves to talk? My mom used to tell the story of how she never had to worry about falling asleep while driving as long as I was in the car, because my non-stop talking would surely keep her awake. I can COMPLETELY understand what that must have been like for her! Anyway back to the story...she was talking and asking me something that I can't recall but I disagreed with whatever it was she said. Have I also told you about how stubborn she is? Well me disagreeing with her didn't go well and suddenly there was a sad little face in the back seat. I said are you okay? She is said no. I said well what is wrong? She said you aren't being nice. I said Madelyn I am being nice, I was just trying to explain something to you. Her reply was well mom don't you know that I know everything? I said really! And she said yes mom you are silly of course I know everything! Isn't that a sure sign of a child growing up. Soon she will come to the conclusion that I know nothing about life and all the advice I render hold absolutely no weight. She is four....can you imagine 13? But on the upside look at that face? Have you ever seen a little girl with such beautiful features? Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. By the way this was taken at Halloween this year. She wanted to be a cheerleader and my brother who is a sports fanatic and graduate from Arizona State University happily obliged her with this cute little uniform. This was one of the last ones left in her size, no kidding. He had his son go to the ASU stadium to pick it up for her. Spoiled???? No way! That same brother's wife calls her the most beautiful girl in the world. Madelyn loves the both of them.


snbjork said...

What a beautiful little girl! I can't get enough of her sweet little face. She also sounds like she knows exactly what she wants!!! This blog is wonderful and I look forward to more posts in the future with more pictures of the bold little redhead!

~Suzanne (Stephanie's sister) =)

Mandee said...

I am glad you posted Suzanne and I promise I will TRY my HARDEST to be diligent in writing! She is beautiful and you are right, she does know exactly what she wants!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Mandee! She is amazing. I can't thank you enough for the time that you spend posting these pictures and stories. Well, and raising her of course. I love you all. Thanks. Oh and thank you Suzanne. I am so glad that you have been checking in. I love you too!!


OK, I do not have my google name and password at the office with me so... I am a loser and I will have to publish anonymously... Ha Ha..