Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Very Pretty Indeed!

The other night me, Dallan, and Madelyn were getting ready to go to bed and for some reason we got on the subject of Stephanie. I think we were talking about a new baby and Madelyn said something about her. I said Madelyn do you want to see a picture of Stephanie? She excitedly said yes and asked if I had one, to which I replied yes, I have a lot of them. So I went to our bedroom and got some of the pictures and took them back to her. I sat down by her and started showing them to her. The first thing she said was "Mom, she is pretty". And I said yes she is and do you see what color her hair is? She said ya it looks like mine. I said that's right Madelyn your hair is the same color as Stephanie's. And then Dallan (I think he sometimes thinks talks like this hurt my feelings, which they don't) said Madelyn what color eyes do you have and she said brown just like moms and he said that is pretty neat huh? You have hair like Stephanie's and eyes like mom's. She thought that was great. She then asked if she could keep the pictures and I said you can but I don't want them to get ruined and she said well do you think we could make a book to put the pictures in? I said yes I think we can do that and so that is on our list of things to do...a book of pictures for her to keep. It was a sweet moment and a reminder to me how both of us are a part of who she is and how truly remarkable she is for that very reason. We love you Stephanie!


Libby's Library said...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! It means so much to me, that you do talk about Stephani, and that you say positive things about her. (I was adopted, and I so wish that I had info about my biological family.) What a couple of wonderful Mom's the two of you are!!! Would you like pictures of the rest of the family members? ~~ Also, I have a Google Blog "Neas Nuttiness" if you want to check it out. This weekend, Steve will be moving all our pictures to my computer, so I will have more access to them so I can add lots more to my blog!

Libby's Library said...

Typo - I do know how to spell Stephanie's name correctly!

Mandee said...

I would love more pictures! I tried viewing your blog but it is set to private so I couldn't. If you feel comfortable with me seeing it I would love an invitation. I want you to know how much we love your daughter. I obviously feel beyond blessed that she chose us to raise Madelyn, but something I never expected was that we would come to love Stephanie as much as we do now. I value her friendship and am so grateful for the many things she has taught me over the years. I have often thought it was a little unfair that she came first because I doubt I will ever have the kind of friendship we have with another birth mother. My email is Feel free to email me anytime.

snbjork said...

You tell the cutest stories about Madelyn. She seems like quite the kid! And, yes, Stephanie is a hottie! She and I have very similar features, but she's much more of a beauty! =) Seriously, though, what is most beautiful about her is her positive attitude about life. I often feel like I get a free therapy session whenever I talk with her. She is always so uplifting. No matter what kind of trials she is facing she finds a way to be grateful and to laugh! She is a great mom, sister, and friend. Always thinking about others and so willing to give of her time (as limited as it is--I don't think she ever sleeps, honestly!). It is nice to know that you two are so close. I imagine that will benefit everyone in the end.....

Mandee said...

I hope to Suzanne! And what makes that possible is because of all those attributes you just mentioned. From the moment we meet I felt a connection to her. I thought to myself how could I NOT want to stay in touch with her.

Stephanie said...

hey mandee it is christian. i dont think i have ever talked to you. i just wanted to tell you thanks. for everything. how you tell madylen about my mom and how wonderfull you are to her. i am glad that she has fallen into a family that loves her so much.thats about it i just wanted to tell you